Lesson 4

Download and extract the image files below.



In pycat, each sprite had a rotation property. Rotation is counter-clockwise positive, and by default, has a value of zero, which faces right.

  • self.rotation = 0 faces right

  • self.rotation = 90 faces up

  • self.rotation = 180 faces left

  • self.rotation = 270 faces down

Use the sprite’s move_forward() method to move in the direction of its rotation. Sprites also have a special property rotation_mode which decouples the sprite’s image and its rotation properties. The rotation_mode property is set like so,

from pycat.core import RotationMode
sprite.rotation_mode = Rotation_Mode.RIGHT_LEFT

The Rotation_Mode.RIGHT_LEFT setting allows the sprite to move in any direction, but the sprite’s image will be constrained to face either right or left. The possible values for sprite.rotation_mode are

  • RotationMode.ALL_AROUND

  • RotationMode.RIGHT_LEFT

  • RotationMode.MIRROR

  • RotationMode.NO_ROTATION

Collision Detection

Collision detection determines if two or more sprites are touching one another. The Sprite class has many methods for determining collisions with other sprites. We usually use these methods inside the on_update method to check for collisions repeatedly. Some useful collision detection methods are:

  • self.is_touching_any_sprite() returns true if this sprite is touching any other visible sprite in the window.

  • self.is_touching_sprite(other_sprite: Sprite) returns true if this sprite touches the other sprite passed as an argument.

  • self.is_touching_sprite_with_tag(tag: str) returns true if this sprite touches a sprite with a given tag using the sprite.add_tag(tag: str) method.

Keyword arguments

Keyword arguments, or kwargs, are arguments passed with a specific name. For example, we previously used a keyword argument in window = Window(background_image='img.png') to set the window’s background image. For convenience purposes, the window’s method create_sprite() also accepts keyword arguments to set many of a sprite’s properties. For example,

sprite = window.create_sprite()
sprite.x = 100
sprite.y = 200
sprite.image = 'img.png'

is equavilent to

sprite = window.create_sprite(x=100, y=200, image='img.png')

Note that the sprite properties are set after the sprite’s on_create() method is called.

More Sprite Properties

Here is a list of more sprite properties,

  • sprite.x

  • sprite.y

  • sprite.scale

  • sprite.rotation

  • sprite.color

  • sprite.opacity

  • sprite.rotation_mode

  • sprite.position